Norwood School does not create any teams of its own to play in recreational leagues sponsored by Montgomery Soccer, Inc. (MSI), the Montgomery County Department of Parks and Recreation, or Potomac Boys and Girls Club. However, the School does encourage the creation of these teams by parents and the full participation of its students. Parents are urged to be mindful of how they interact with children other than their own and to be aware of their impact on young children. In this regard, the School provides guidelines for team formation and use of Norwood property. Parents must follow these guidelines for teams to use the School's athletic facilities.
Norwood’s athletic facilities and fields are scheduled by the Auxiliary Programs Office (301-841-2167). Norwood interscholastic teams take priority and have set practice and competition schedules. Unused times and locations are available for use by recreational league teams coached by Norwood parents, currently have former or current Norwood students on the team, and formed according to the guidelines below. Our security officer maintains a list of available times and locations along with an application for parents to fill out to request field or facility use.