The Norwood math program creates mathematical thinkers who have deep conceptual understanding, computational fluency, and confidence in applied problem solving. The program at every grade level is child centered, engaging, and rigorous. Students develop a mastery of computational math and apply their understanding by working through and solving open-ended problems. In grades PK-4, the program utilizes Bridges in Mathematics as the primary curriculum resource. In grades 5 and 6, the Reveal Math Program lays the foundation for our seventh- and eighth-grade pre-algebra and algebra curriculum.
Math at the elementary level is taught in homerooms with two teachers in the classroom, maintaining a low student-to-teacher ratio and allowing differentiation in daily instruction. Starting in sixth grade, students pursue either an algebra track or an accelerated algebra track that culminates in an eighth-grade geometry course. At the middle-school level, there are math clubs and competitive teams for those wishing to expand their math experiences at Norwood. At all grade levels, positive mathematical practices and attitudes are fostered; these include approaching math with a growth mindset, persevering in problem solving, reasoning abstractly and quantitatively, constructing arguments and critiquing those of others, and modeling with mathematics.